Refrigeration (Erie Meats)
Erie Meat Products is a well-established, privately owned, high quality, cost effective Canadian supplier of further processed packaged meat products. Established in 1977, Erie employs in excess of 600 employees across 5 facilities in South Western Ontario, as well as a Head Office housed at 3180 Wharton Way Mississauga, Ontario. Erie’s business vision is to grow their portfolio of Premium Value Added Meat Products internationally
Our client was relocating their retail centre and needed us to relocate and reinstall their refrigeration systems for them. Three display bunkers and one 40ft x 15ft walk-in freezer were relocated to the new retail space. We also designed, sized and installed a proper refrigerant piping system and ran from condensing units to evaporators, along with new filter driers, sight glasses, insulation, and solenoid valves. Oil changes were completed on all the compressors and the systems triple evacuated. New 404a refrigerant charged into the systems and all components calibrated. The walk-in freezer was equipped with a Heatcraft Beacon II system, the controller was reprogrammed and all electronic thermostatic expansion valves set.